Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit Change Your Life
Someone told me once that the Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit Balance Board could change my life! Whoa, steady on there. I mean to say, that's a bit of a strong statement. Is it true though?We do we start on this? Yes, it is a strong statement, yet with all the news, particularly regarding the sales figures for this console, it may be true after all. Though a little refining and definition may be called for, just to put it into perspective.
Just in case you didn't know, the Wii and Wii Fit are at the top of the list of consoles being constantly chased by the PS3 and the Xbox 360. The difference between the latter two and the console in question is that with the latter two, you are sitting on yer butt the whole time you are in play. With the Wii and Wii Fit you are actually up and doing something, be it Slalom Skiing, Hula Hooping, or even Tight Rope walking.
It is this which makes our console stand out from the crowd. Plus it is the only console at the time of writing which is based entirely towards exercising and fitness. But how do we know it works and how do we know that it can actually make a big change in our lives? Well, quite simple really - just look at the sales figures for the consoles. The wii, since it's release in late 2006 has sold 30 million units while the Wii Fit brought in 16.3m in sales in it's first week of release in April of this year - and that's in the UK only.
So even by sales figures alone, millions of people cannot be wrong, surely. And yes, if used correctly, these consoles can certainly have a positive affect on taking care of yourself, and all under the umbrella of fun.